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About the Film
Erin and Robert reside in Norwood, Ohio and are the proprietors of the restaurant Moriah’s Pie. Operating on “The Lord Will Provide” payment system, the couple do not charge a set fee for their delicious neighborhood-grown and locally sourced pizza. On Friday evenings, the only time the restaurant is open, people from all walks of life come to the restaurant and, at the end of their meal, are given a cloth envelope in which to place their offering. The neighborhood children come weekly, dollar in hand, to enjoy a soup or salad, pizza, and a dessert. The film follows this extremely humble couple as they tended to their many gardens cultivated on vacant land throughout Norwood and observed them as they prepared to offer their food to others. Moriah Pie, their pizza restaurant, serves as the metaphor for how they live a life of testing, risking love, and learning about each other. People will leave feeling restored and perhaps reflect a bit on their personal relationships and how they might take risks to improve the lives of others and accept their neighbors, just the way they are.
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